Collage by -Shaded-


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I couldn’t really stand how my other collage looked with it zoomed in, (I did it on a whim) and I legit messed with me (lol) I also realized people are talking about how it represented them, so I wanna explain what I thought about this represented me.
I have had a few crushes and a few rejections and this sort of mirrors that, ig. The song lyrics are from an oldies band that I’ve always loved, and honestly I related to lyrics more with my family then my crushes. I tried to convey a sense of loneliness (the cloudy background), bitterness (the burning paper), and hope (the orange sparkle in the persons eyes) and wrap it up with a mix of orange and pink!
hope this makes more sense, sorry for the essay 🫠
the meaning behind the collage is a big part of the story I see
you’ve done exactly what the theme is!