Hello Gorgeous people I have been so inactive and a lot of my friends have left but I just want to spread some positivity🌸☺️


Hello Gorgeous people I have been so inactive and a lot of my friends have left but I just want to spread some positivity🌸☺️

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thank you soooo much for those comments... it means a lot from someone as talented as you 👏🏼😂✨
and honestly I get major vibes from all of your collages 👏🏼👏🏼
thank you
re//hi there!! oh my goodness, ikr?? and thanks so much!! I got the idea to do a tribute collage for each of them and (don’t tell anyone hahha) I want to do a bigger one with all of the boys for July 23rd! not quite sure how I want to do it, but I’m excited. and I would absolutely love talking with you!! my name is Heather if u don’t already know lol
Hey!! thankyou ☺️
re// well it iS my art account hahahaha but thank you!!!!
I love your acc btw.. can we be friends♥️
wow thank you lovely! I cannot believe I haven’t found your amazing account before! sure we can, what your name? xx ❤️
Wow I love all your collages 😍
hey I’m great today actually.. how about you? What your name btw lol I’m Ashley ✌🏼
thanks for the kind comment!
re//you are absolutely not bothering me!! I’m always happy to find another directioner! and yes I totally agree! so I’m thinking lou would come back pretty fast too...like his twitter bio still says 1/4 of 1D so...but I’m pretty sure they’ll be back by 2020 and hAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT LIAMS IDEA FOR THEIR REUNION TOUR??
IM SO EXCITED AHHH like he wants to do all the solo stuff too plus the classics and I cannot wait 😭😭
so like I’m not a Larry shipper as far as like they’re together/married etc, but I totally ship the bromance as friends!! do you ship them?
hey corri 💕 I love your name ✨
I’m good, you?
agreed! I mean I personally don’t support gay relationships due to my religious beliefs but I’d still love them the same if they did. I’m pretty positive they’re not a thing though 😂
I’m good.. you?
re// haha and no, i share it with two other people, but i do most of them lol
OMIGOD YAYYYYYYYY TYSM yesssss I have been noticed😱😂
npppp btw you can call me FiFi
is there anything that I can call you💖
re// thank you so much!! you’re so kind oml
Nice to meet you tooooo! hru corri💞
Np! that’s great! I’m gud as well hehe
wowww that is awesome!! I really hope you can go! have you ever been to any of their concerts as a band or solo?
nope never been to a concert in my life!! Niall’s actually gonna be in 3 places pretty close to me around my birthday (which happens to be the same day as his) but my mum doesn’t want me to go...
that’s so crazy and cool oh my goodness
yeah I’d love to go...I don’t think I can but it would be amazing!! and don’t we get the best present?? Liams album dropping the day after our birthday??
aww thanks so much!! the same goes for your collages!! 💓
I love to dance, play tennis, listen to music, draw, ski, play piano and flute, and taking pictures and editing them!😂.. I like too many things... it’s kind of an issue bc idk wut i wanna do for a job lol. wbu🌿
I had my science final today and I passed
I also have a formal on Friday
YASSS absolutely!! I’m so excited about our birthday too djdkdkd anyway I can’t wait for the reunion tour!
oh and do you have Pinterest? I was just thinking it might be a little easier to talk there if you wanted to...
this is beautiful💕
ahh okay that’s fine!! yeet I can’t wait 😭😭
I've been pretty good, I started taking a Digital media course, started seeing a guy 💞 how are you?
tHis is so cute!!
no problemmmm
mm they all are my favorites but I’m kinda a Niall girl at heart!! wbu?
thank youuuuu and you’re welcome!!
ya it’s kinda complicated, he's here in Canada on a work visa. And thats how I met him. So I'm not sure how it will turn out. He's staying here for a year.
But ya he was my first kiss too 💞
Woah I'm shookth thank you!! Wow your account is so nice I feel so honored 😂🙏
Yw :) I'm pumped for school to end tbh XD hbu?
Thanks :). So how are you?
woaf this is gorgeous
💗how are you x
I’m fine just a bit tired x
thanks a bunch!
Ahh lucky!
tysmmm! :D
😆I’m always tired though 💗
This Friday but every day is agonizing because we have an upcoming orchestra concert 😆 when did you get out?
oh nice ☺️
even when I get enough sleep I’m still so tired 😂💗
Oh lol I'm stupid sry 😂 thanks :)💕
Lol tysmmmmm
Thank you bro 🙋🤙
come enter my first contest you will love it good luck Xx Come win prizes too if you come 1st 2nd or 3rd
I loveee this 🌼✨
hi really random but in 2016 in like August you commented on a post saying ‘thank you for calling me your inspiration’ well something like that and I feel the need to reply as I never did lol so thanks for inspiring me btw I only just looked into this account in 2 years well I haven’t logged onto any account in 2 years which is why my reply is sooooo late
sorry that was really random and probly made so sense
and omg your are actually so talented
this is stunning!!💓
you're welcome! :) and thanks!! 💕
Hi (sorry for the copy and paste message you probably hate them) we was wondering if you would like to join the kawaii club all you have to is fill in the sign up sheet and then you will get the password and we will be doing a bunch of fun stuff like spreading the love, holding contests, making icons and quotes and funny jokes and pic collage stuff in general have a great day 💗🍉💗🍉💗🍉
wow! this is amazing <33
this is amazing all ur edits r so beautiful
Hey sorry for the copy and paste💕but it would be great if you could enter my icon contest 😝thxxx💖
That’s very inspirational. btw I’m nine.
how do you change your username?
absolutely beautiful!
so amazing
Sorry for the copy and paste! Hey there SUPER amazing collager! my HUGE goal is to get a feature and to get to 1k!!! I would be SO SO HAPPY if you could help by following me! thanks!
stunning collage
*ⒸⓄⓅⓎ ⒶⓃⒹ ⓅⒶⓈⓉⒺ* Ⓘⓝⓣⓔⓡⓔⓢⓣⓔⓓ ⓘⓝ ⓐ ⓢⓗⓞⓤⓣⓞⓤⓣ, ⓕⓞⓛⓛⓞⓦ, ⓐⓝⓓ ⓢⓟⓐⓜ ⓞⓕ ⓛⓘⓚⓔⓢ? Ⓙⓞⓘⓝ ⓜⓨ Ⓘⓒⓞⓝ Ⓒⓞⓝⓣⓔⓢⓣ ⓕⓞⓡ ⓐ ⓒⓗⓐⓝⓒⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓦⓘⓝ!
I love this!!!!!!! plzzzz✨follow for follow back✨I’m new!!!
hey Bri
hi! I’m trying to get 50 followers. Please help me by following me, and telling others about my account. Thanks for listening
I love your work can you follow me pls