I won’t be posting for a week or so because I broke my foot


I won’t be posting for a week or so because I broke my foot

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HIIII!!!!! And, I choose the Songs and PLaylists!!! (Sry. Don't want to waste my remixes!!)
And I feel so bad!!! Hope ur foot feels better soon!!!
and thank you!
Ty!! you too!💕
omg!! I hope your feet is better now
TYSM! and ofc! I'm good too but today will be very stressful...😭
bc I had a test and then I had a French lesson (I will write a test on Saturday) and after that I came home with the bike, learned a bit, then I took the bike again and went to tennis, then I came back with the bike and now I’m at home😂😭
haha yes!
how was your day?💕
haha True😭😂
what have you done today?💕
sounds good!
Aww tysm🫶🏻💕
NOO I really hope your hand gets better soon😭💕
what’s your name btw?😂
AHH THATS GOOD🤞💕 wish you the best!
I completely understand! my name is Chloé 🫶🏻
haha luckily!! keep me going!
I‘m fine my grandparents are here now I haven’t seen them for a very long time!!💕
wait your foot? did you broke it?
Oh I'm sorry about that!! is your foot broken? I'll pray for you💕
just checked out! your collages are honestly AMAZING 💕
ofc! 🫶🏻
oh okay! how are you today btw?💕
Aww I'm sorry about that! Get well soon <33
woah you have a lot of things these days, honestly wishing you the best!
checked out your main and I know your name now but I won't tell anyone, I promise you! hope it's ok 💕
that’s good🫶🏻 how are you today?
thank you💜