Go listen to ‘I Am Barabbas’ by Josiah Queen. 

I haven’t been doing well so I haven’t been posting, the devil has his ways of attacking us and we don’t realize it. Gods with us and for us ✝️✝️❤️


Go listen to ‘I Am Barabbas’ by Josiah Queen. I haven’t been doing well so I haven’t been posting, the devil has his ways of attacking us and we don’t realize it. Gods with us and for us ✝️✝️❤️

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The text of this song 😭
yes I totally understand 😭💕
I love it too!!
hru today btw?<33
that's nice to hear! I'm good too🫶🏻💕
what have you done today?
hey! how are you today?<33
Are you still on?😭
there's no problem! I'm glad to hear from you💕
I totally understand! how are you doing?🫶
wohoo that sounds great! have fun<3
I’m good, school starts gain next week and I’m preparing a few things rn🫶
thank you so much🫶
that sounds great! Better to have too much fun than not enough lol
hru today?
hey🩷 how are you doing?
aww thank you so much! and don't worry<3
how are you?
oh my god I'm so sorry about that! How are you? Are you feeling better yet?
oooo a concert sounds great! have fun then<3 I'm pretty good, it was my mom's birthday yesterday and we invited 50 people, it was amazing!
oh my gosh, this is so pretty.
the caption “ the devil has his ways of attacking us, and we don’t realize it” hit me hard. ✝️
hey how are you doing? :))🩷
heyy! how are you? i hope everything's okay, we haven't talked in so long <33