4•17•22 (tap!)
Happy Easter! 🦋Check remixes about Good Friday & Easter Sunday🦋 I hope you all had a great day and remember Jesus loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine!! have a blessed night 💕 (collage is inspired by the wonderful Lauren ofc


4•17•22 (tap!) Happy Easter! 🦋Check remixes about Good Friday & Easter Sunday🦋 I hope you all had a great day and remember Jesus loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine!! have a blessed night 💕 (collage is inspired by the wonderful Lauren ofc

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So pretty!! Happy Easter ❤
I love this❤️❤️❤️
happy Easter!!
Also I love the Bible verse you used for this collage!
this is amazing!! I love the colors!
ahhh how was your last performance?!??
ik you did fantastic!!!!!
happy easter!
So stunning!
How was your competition? I know you and your team had to have done AMAZING!!💞😊
Also hru?
i can’t stop hearting all of your collages your account is SO GOOD! 🤩
It's currently Friday, April 22nd which means that there is just a little over a week till the due date of round 2! Make sure to get a collage submitted before Saturday, April 30th for a chance to make it to round 3
hey Layla, hru?? ❤️
Hey did you hear about the hater going around on PC to ppl who don't support lgbtq?
hey Layla hru??
love this!
ahhhh im so proud of you!!!!! YOU GO GURL!
U HAVE A H8terrrrr???? YOU??? ONE OF THE SWEETEST MOST CARING NICE TALENTED PERSON EVER!! (i can go longer just can’t text all of that 😆) OUT OF ALL PPL YOU?!?!
No no no no no
i don’t approve
who is it ???
can you tell me so i can give them some words of wisdom???
and yessss they CANOT stop you!!!
hey Layla!! how have you been it’s been a long time since we’ve talked
that’s a big achievement!!! what was the competition about?
CONGRATS!!!! you deserve it!!!
yessss i saw !!! so rude !!!
ye that’s really annoying … the whole thing is that they want you to get annoyed and upset… i had a h8 page and i didn’t care it was just annoying and rude bec the person commented on other acc that follows me to die if they don’t unfollow me
new post
🙌NEW CONTEST! join now:))
📺 NEW CONTEST! please join 📺
Hey Layla! How is it going? it’s been a while💕
hey!! I’d love if you’d enter my comment giveaway, there is so much opportunity for really amazing prizes!!
Just 24 hours before judging on round 2 starts. You are receiving this message because you have not yet entered a collage. Please do so as soon as possible!
hey Layla how are you!! it’s been a while!!
Hi Layla! 👋 how are you?
tysm and I love December too! but what’s your fav month of spring?
I’m pretty good too:) how was your weekend? do anything fun?
oh no which one?
yeah May is the best in spring!
oh how did the competition go?
well I didn’t really do much either except i did some diamond art
I’m good!!! thx! ohh you have another competition!! good luck on it!!
hope it goes well
oh for me it still shows I have it idk…
but OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉🎊 2nd place? that’s amazing! so proud of u ☺️☺️❤️
cheer sounds so fun!
oooooo that sounds fun!!!! hope you make it!!! and good luck
hi Layla your almost at 700! Congrats GURLLLL🥳🥳
also why are you following you h8 page?
CONGRATS ON 700!!!! 🪩🎊🥳🎉🎁🍾
you deserve it so much!!!!!!
ahhh ok I got you!
CONGRATULATIONS ON 700!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳💕 you deserve it sm girlll!❤️❤️