January brought me lots of stuff; my first break up, a new friendship, a swim meet and lots of school work. I wonder what's coming up in February! 
A: what was your favourite memory since New Year's?


tap! January brought me lots of stuff; my first break up, a new friendship, a swim meet and lots of school work. I wonder what's coming up in February! A: what was your favourite memory since New Year's?

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this is so lovely
i’m in love 😻😻
aotd: idk.. i found out that it’s very possible i get to move to a new house so that’s good ♥️
A : ummm not school?
you’re welcome :))
school needs to be punched in the face😂
okayyy it needs to be done quick so no one suspects you
woah beautiful
np <3 this is stunning~~ also well there are some things happening rn that are making me sad...don’t worry :)
ty! and ikr it’s a good book💗❤️
thanks so much 💓this is beautiful
loooooooooove this💕💕beautiful