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Please chat

27 2
hey, don’t worry about the corona virus, stay positive my school just got closed yesterday.
hi! hope u have an amazing rest of the day!!❤️
and ofc I am always here if u need someone to talk to!!
awww i’m so sorry. i hope everything gets better ❤️
I was just wondering why you blocked me??😂😂
just stay positive I promise it will be ok I don’t have anymore school for the rest of the year.
plz enter my challenge
where do you live?? my schools only been closed for 2 weeks
wherever you are it must be bad because my schools going back April 9th
aww! I know! don’t be worried !!!!! just stay healthy! I wish u the best💛💛 trust me, the virus will not get to u🧡🧡 don’t be scared, think of the happy and positive things in life 💖💖 ily !
my school is still off 🥺
our school started back in April
16 only?
mine 3 years